About Us

Founders Goals and Mission

Being children of dynamic business parents, we decided that we wanted to do something different and that is natural, useful and practical. Having observed Dad, who believes we should contribute and be useful to society, and Mum who believes all god’s creation, man and animals, must be respected and loved in the natural state, we must first be contented and be beautiful naturally inside and out, in mind, body and soul. We observed people, and especially woman, and decided to develop products that will support the thought process.

Our Vision and Future

Be the first to create and offer useful unique products that meet our high standards and goals which in turn help users achieve their desired results and goals.

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Be Supple like the streams running waters gracefully bending around sudden turns lithely waving in strong winds, freely flowing over sharp rocks, all the while quietly sculpting this loud and hash world into ever deeper beauty. Gently eroding rigid rocks into silken sand, tenderly transforming human cruelty into human kindness, always remembering true strength is not found in the stone but in the water that shapes the stone.

“Let the light of strength and love in your soul shine through your eyes to the world, drench the world with the light of love but do not dominate, let the them keep their softness and tenderness.”




[email protected]

Sales Hotline: +65-8666 2623.
Office: +65-62229033

  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Colours of products are seasonal and subject to change without prior notice.
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